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By offering easy and scalable access to IT services, cloud computing is rapidly revolutionizing the way companies see Internet-based hosting solutions. For businesses today, the question of where, when and how to leverage the benefits of these new solutions has never been more relevant.

Capgemini believes that enterprise systems should not move wholly and rapidly into the cloud, a view that is based on more than 5 years of cloud computing experience. Instead, we favor the adoption of hybrid models where businesses initially retain centralized IT systems but target services towards cloud platforms.

To bring this to life, we have created a proven system (Compute Continuum) that demonstrates how your IT landscape might evolve over time. By combining our expertise in consulting, technology and outsourcing, we can guide you in the implementation of cloud solutions across your entire IT landscape.

What Is Royal Mail Group Trying to Achieve in eBusiness?

Stuart Curley, CTO of the Royal Mail Group, the UK’s national postal service, discusses the Capgemini Immediate solution and why it was chosen to support new ventures, transform services and cut costs within the Group. The 6-year contract, centered on the ITS Cloud Computing solution, Capgemini Immediate, will enable IT-on-demand to be piped into the organization as a ‘smart utility’ on a money-saving, pay-as-you-go basis. Watch the video to learn more about what this will mean for the Royal Mail Group and how Capgemini will work to support the transformation of its business and consumer online services.